Soccer is a competitive team sport revolving around 11 players on a field battling against another team. During the opening year of Panther Creek High School, only 23 players, made up of juniors, sophomores...
The Panther Creek High School swim team is making waves in the local sports scene with their remarkable achievements in the recently concluded swim season. The talented athletes demonstrated exceptional...
Panther Creek has a very inspiring and hardworking team catching other schools off-guard with their determination and talent. They have put in great effort and have shown great teamwork skills. Despite...
Volleyball is an intense, interesting sport that many people enjoy as both spectator and player. It brings students together and creates a sense of school spirit and community. The infectious volleyball...
Panther Creek is a lovely school with many challenging and competitive sports and clubs. One of those demanding sports here at PCHS is the dance team, the Silverados. The school’s dance team embodies...
Football is a sport that a lot of people enjoy and bond over. The excitement of winning, the cheerleaders cheering, crazy fans yelling out to each other, the overwhelmness of the players, and the great...
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